2013年12月24日 星期二

Revised Annotation (2) – The Amended University Act Ensures Students’ Right to Education.

If college students or their lovers are pregnant, should they give up their current studies? Should they give up their colorful university lives in order to give birth to their babies and raise them? As a matter of fact, they need not sacrifice their studies.
Article 26 of University Act was amended in 2008 by Ministry of Education and the amended Article 26 allows college students, both females and males, to extend their studying term due to pregnancy, childbirth and childcare. As a result, college couples can apply for temporary suspension of study in order to earn money to raise their children. Giving birth does not mean college students should totally give up everything including their studies for their children.
Before Article 26 of University Act was corrected, most college students can only apply for temporary suspension of study for at most 2 years. However, it takes a mother at least one and half year to go through the pregnant period, deliver her baby, take postpartum staycation and breastfeed. If a mother wants to continue looking after her youngster, it may go beyond 2 years, which is the limited length for temporary suspension of study.
Fortunately, according to the revised Article 26 of University Act in 2008 , ''A student pursuing a bachelor degree or above may request for prolonging the studying term on account of pregnancy, childbirth, or childcare for the toddler under three years old. '' Moreover, the Act is suitable for both males and females.
In terms of the academic rules of NCU, Reg.40 notes that students can apply for temporary suspension of study because of pregnancy, childbirth, or childcare for the toddler under three years old. The accumulated suspension length is limited to 4 years. The period of suspension will not be taken into account for the total suspension length. Upon the termination of the suspension period, the birth certificate of the student’s child and relevant documents will be used to apply for resumption of Study.
All in all the revised version of Article 26 of University Act ensures students’ right to education and at the same time offer them time to take care of the toddler and earn money to support the economic needs for raising a child and a family during the temporary suspension of study.

1.    Ministry of Education-University Act. (2009, Nov 18). Retrieved October 28, 2013 from the Ministry of Education: http://edu.law.moe.gov.tw/EngLawContent.aspx?Type=E&id=24
 2. National Central University, General Rules and Regulations.(2010, July 19).

Retrieved October 29, 2013 from National Central University:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://pdc.adm.ncu.edu.tw/rule/rule99/1.pdf

